first idea


Hi Andrea

I’m starting to join some elements. Charcoal, hand made paper (the one you saw), and enameling surfaces…..All of them came from our conversations. I have in mind words as “limits _ borders _ contrasts”.

I don’t know if you notice that for me it’s easier to use images to explain my thoughts, so, I will add a picture! The upper part is a piece I did when I was living in Barcelona, it was about “bird houses”, and was linked with the abandon places in that city. The other picture is a construction where I participated in the years as architecture student.

The limit here is the scale. In both works the topic is “to give a place to stay”.

I would like to find a way to connect our works.

I have two sets of materials. Maybe I can send you one, and I work with the other one…..and you can do the same….well, it’s an idea…….I know you are quite busy now…so I will wait for your answer.

Hi Andrea

I’m starting to join some elements. Charcoal, hand made paper (the one you saw), and enameling surfaces…..All of them came from our conversations. I have in mind words as “limits _ borders _ contrasts”.

I don’t know if you notice that for me it’s easier to use images to explain my thoughts, so, I will add a picture! The upper part is a piece I did when I was living in Barcelona, it was about “bird houses”, and was linked with the abandon places in that city. The other picture is a construction where I participated in the years as architecture student.

The limit here is the scale. In both works the topic is “to give a place to stay”.

I would like to find a way to connect our works.

I have two sets of materials. Maybe I can send you one, and I work with the other one…..and you can do the same….well, it’s an idea…….I know you are quite busy now…I will wait for your answer.

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