Hi Susanne!!
Today I have a firm promise to send you this mail at the end of the day!
Believe it or not think a lot about you and this project.
Much time has passed since my last piece of writing.
I think I have not talked much about me, the truth is I’ve been very lucky with the country family in which I was born. Iit is all very exotic and tropical.
I had not realized it until I returned to Venezuela after being away for a long time here in Spain and every time I visit I feel a bigger difference and contrast between the two countries.
This past December I went to see my family, especially my mom and I kept thinking about some of your writings in which you talked about a particular flower. I have searched for this flower on the internet and I sent you pictures for you to confirm if I am correct.

(This flower exists not only in Venezuela but also here in Spain. I am trying to find we call it depending on the country. It has always interested me to see how we each place has different names for the same “thing”. I love knowing the different names and research to see if there is any history behind their names!
My mother lives in a house with a nice tropical garden and she is a plant and flower lover. I spent time watching every one of them and wanted to find one that really remind me of my home. Despite having many very striking and exotic plants such as orchids or bromeliads, I identified home with a wild bush that grows on the wall of my house. I do not even know its name but I have only seen it at my mother’s house, so when I see him I think of home.
I have taken photos and I will send them to you and believe it or not I brought you one of these flower (in spite of customs and controls). Could I have your address for me to try to mail it to you?
At the moment I am sending you pictures it would be interesting to see if we can come up with a jewelry piece together?

home flower

home flower 2
Hola Susanne!!!!
Hoy tengo la firme promesa de enviarte este mail hoy.!!!
Aunque no lo creas pienso mucho en ti y en el proyecto.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde mi ultimo escrito.
Creo que no te he hablado mucho de mi, la verdad es que he tenido mucha suerte con el pais en el que naci y mi familia es cierto todo es muy exotico y tropical
Yo no me habia dado cuenta de ello hasta que volvi a Venezuela despues de estar un largo tiempo aquí en España y cada vez que voy siento una mayor diferencia y contraste entre los dos paises.
Este pasado diciembre fui a ver a mi familia y en especial a mi mama y me quede con unos de tus escritos donde hablabas de una flor esta flor la he buscado por internet y te envio imágenes para confirmar que sea la misma.
“If I’m honest I already have a piece of jewelry in my mind for this project. It came up after I wrote on the blog about homesickness.
It’s an oleander flower upside-down. It represents my feelings about the sadness of the home left behind, the critic I have about it but on the same time the sweet memory of it and the happy feeling about my new country. It represents myself, covering my real identity to unknown people, protecting my inside, and floating on endless water.”
(Esta flor también la hay en venezuela y aquí en españa trato de buscar los nombres para comprobar como en cada lugar ponemos un nombre distinto a la misma “cosa” Me encanta saber los distinto nombres y de las cosas y si detrás hay alguna historia mas!!!)
Mi madre vive en una casa con un lindo y tropical jardín es amante de las plantas y de las flores y estuve mirando todas y cada una de ellas y querian encontrar una que realmente me recordara mi hogar y a pesar que tiene muchas plantas exoticas muy llamativas como orquideas o bromelias me quedo con una, es un arbusto silvestre que crecio en el muro de mi casa ni siquiera sabemos su nombre lo que si se es que solo lo he visto allli y para mi significa que es mi casa.
Le he tomado fotos y te las envio y aunque no lo creas te he traido una flor de estas ( A pesar de las aduanas y los controles) y me gustaria enviartela es posible que me envies tu dirección?
De momento te envio imágenes creo que por aquí podriamos empezar junatas una joya si te parece bien?