

Your charcoal idea sounds fun and dirrrty.  Check the work on Dinie Besems (chalk necklace) and Mah Rana (ring in bar of soap).  These works go along the lines of what you are looking into.  I like charcoal because it is, in essence, what a diamond is also made of.  I think most basic materials hold a great gift and serve in a way far more humble than materials with ‘value’ added to them.  At the end of the day, the little things make life worth living and not the big things (with the added bonus that when the little things go wrong, we don’t really notice so much because they are little).

I think that we got to a lot of interesting topics on our posts, especially the latter ‘fire’ and ‘rebirth’.  I wrote to Valeria about my ‘ending’ and I decided that I will make one final piece for this project, based on our communication.  I am not sure what, how, etc, but I will keep you posted.  I was going to send you some stuff, but actually that is not relevant anymore (as I was planning to send you stuff that I made which you could incorporate into a piece…the lazy way for me due to my lack of energy).  But since that is not longer the case, please ignore and forget!

Enjoy your day……B Y E

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