
Hola Eugenia,

Me gusta la propuesta de combinar tus espejos y textos con una pieza, me parece bien tambien que a partir de un texto trabajado salga una pieza.

Me gustaria colaborar con el pedazito catalan como estela no mas, quiero decir; despues de toda la” inquisicion espanyola” en sudamerica, creo que es importante para mi confrontar esta parte de la historia que poco nos ensenyan en la escuela, adquiriendo y aprendiendo las realidades del pais Mexicano. Me sentiria muy agradecida si mi aportacion cultural fuera mi manera de trabajar.

Seleccione algunos de las frases que mas me gustaron he impactaron de los textos que me enviastes, no se como te inspiras para realizar los textos pero a lo mejor a partir de este intercanvio, podemos ir construyendo ya un cuerpo para el nicho, ahi van:

…) como se nos revela nuestra identidad desde niños.

(…) se puede tomar como ejemplo que todos pueden

llegar a sentirse mexicanos, puede bastar con cruzar la frontera para sentirse así.

(…)Al estar en un país diferente al nuestro nos

encerramos en nosotros mismos, no buscamos a los demás por temor a reflejarnos en ellos.

(…)nos caracterizamos por nuestras costumbres y tradiciones

(…)en su viaje a España; durante la guerra, vio a un hombre distinto; con una apariencia firme y

ruda, un hombre humilde que en sus ojos luce la desesperación y la esperanza.

(…)algunos consideran a la vida, muerte y resurrección

stadios de un proceso más que cósmico, donde se dan los sacrificios, los cuales tienen 2 funciones: acceder al

proceso creador de un dios y alimentar a la vida cósmica y social. Así, nacer en cualquier día, nos llevaba a

ocupar determinado espacio y tener un destino porque ya todo estaba trazado, mientras que nosotros los

disociamos y los cruzamos como una parte mas de nuestras vidas, para ellos todo se regía a través del

calendario sacerdotal.

(…)el mexicano también lucha contra los fantasmas que se ha creado, (…)

Algunos de estos se crearon en la época de la conquista, en la colonia o durante la independencia

(…)Se considera al catolicismo como el centro de la

sociedad colonial porque en realidad es la fuente de vida que nutre sus actividades.

(…)La independencia sobreviene cuando ya nada nos unía a España, mas que inercia. Nueva España se extingue

cuando deja de alimentarla una fe.

(…)Aquí es donde la independencia empieza a mostrar el mismo rostro que la conquista.

(…)Se dice que la reforma es un movimiento inspirado en una filosofía universal

(…)el liberalismo fue de formación intelectual a través de la guerra civil y también fue por una minoría.

(…)La revolución mexicana es un hecho que busca la revelación de nuestro ser.

(…)Emiliano Zapata fue uno de los personajes mas importantes para la planeación clara de la lucha agraria.

(…) Los poetas, escritores, juristas, y otros, tuvieron que estudiar derecho,

economía, pedagogía, etc. Para poder sacar adelante a la nación. El resto de la inteligencia fue utilizada para

fines concretos e inmediatos: proyectos de leyes, educativos de gobierno, bancos agrarios y construcción de

centros educativos.

(…) Para concluir se dice que la revolución mexicana nos hizo salir de nosotros mismos y nos puso frente a la

historia, planteándonos la necesidad de inventar la que sería nuestro futuro.

(…) Hemos olvidado que en el mundo hay muchos como nosotros, dispersos y aislados.

(…) Tras este derrumbe general de la razón y la fe; que es dios, no se levantan viejos y

mucho menos nuevos sistemas intelectuales que sean capaces de entender nuestra gran angustia, por sentimos

que no hay nada y estamos solos.

(…)se comenta que el hombre es el único ser que se siente solo y que anda en busca de otro.

(…)al nacer nos liberamos de esa vida ciega que llevábamos y se rompe el lazo entre la satisfacción y deseo

(…)todos nuestros esfuerzos van dirigidos a liberarnos de esa soledad,

aunque hay cosas que nos hacen recordar nuestra soledad como las penas de amor

(…)el amor es algo natural y humano, también nacer y morir son experiencias de soledad, por que nacemos solos y morimos solos.

La mujer es un objeto precioso o nocivo, pero diferente. Al transformarla en objeto el hombre la convierte en

sus instrumento ya que ella nunca se siente ni se concibe mas que como un objeto, ya que nunca es dueña de

si misma, por eso el amor es una experiencia inaccesible para nosotros ya que hay muchas cosas que se

oponen a el, tales como la moral, la religión y las leyes, entre otras; por esto la mujer ha sido para el hombre

lo contrario del hombre y su complemento. La mujer vive presa que la sociedad masculina le impone y solo

puede elegir rompiendo consigo misma. La sociedad concibe al amor contra la naturaleza, que esta destinada a

la procreación y que se identifica con el matrimonio; la estabilidad de la familia reposa en esta ultima, su

protección implica la perseverancia del amor y tolerancia a las infidelidades.

La sociedad se concibe como una unidad invisible en la que la madurez no es una etapa de soledad, el hombre

en lucha con otros hombres se olvida de si en el trabajo, en la construcción, en sus ideas y otros. Hemos sido

desterrados del centro del mundo. El hombre moderno ha racionalizado sus mitos pero no ha podido

destruirlos, tiene la característica de pensar despierto, pero aun así lo llevan por un camino equivocado.

A lo mejor podemos profundizar mas en un tema, ya me diras, estoy preparada.

a Eugenia






el cielo, la tierra, el mar, la montanya, y la familia,

el paisaje catalan, empordanes.


Dear Eduardo,
Here I am again. Thanks for the great photos of the book with all those faces of Benito Juarez. His name sounded somewhat familiar to me, but in a very remote way. I tried to find some information about him and yes: I must have heard and also read his name before. I landed in Mexico-City about nine years ago in the airport that bears his name now. I must have seen his face before on some Mexican bank notes. And I must have read about him in my travel guide in the chapter of the history of your country. I am aware now (again?) that Benito Juarez must have played a major role in Mexico’s progression towards an independent democratic nation. It impressed me to read that a Zapotec orphan sheep herd became the first indigenous president of a nation, in the 19th century! I understand he is much beloved in your country. He slipped out of my memory a bit, I have to admit though. You made me remember him, this vaguely familiar person to me.
We also have our national heroes, but I cannot think of a person who you can find statues of all over the country,  the way you can find them in Mexico of Benito Juarez. I have the impression that some of our more famous national heroes have been knocked of their pedestal the last decades. When I was at school I learned about naval officers like Piet Hein and Jan Pieterzoon Coen, our greatest national heroes that brought prosperity and wealth to our nation by trading with countries in the West and the East Indies. Nowadays we are gradually growing aware of the fact that we had nothing to do in those parts of the world. We just took land that didn’t belong to us, colonized the peoples, and even massacred complete islands. Our greatest national heroes turn out to be nothing more than pirates…

fort nassau - banda neira island

fort nassau - banda neira island

When I look at all those pictures of Benito Juarez I see a great similarity in certain facial traits: the implant of the hair and the way it falls over his forehead, they all look very serious with the frowned lines between the eyes, and most of them seem to show determination, will-power. Not a person that has himself fooled around with. Undoubtedly the series as a whole shows the same person, but how different the characters can become when you put two random photos next to each other. Some paired photos might show two entirely different persons. Still, any Mexican citizen might immediately recognize Don Benito Juarez in any of the statues. I have to think of the remark our teacher spatial design made when he was teaching us to model a head in clay. He claimed that one way or the other any artist puts his own familiar personal traits into the sculpture of the model. That’s why all clay heads made by my fellow clasmates and me looked different, still showing the same person.
I will try to find the slides I made when I was traveling in Mexico for three weeks in the year 2000. I will try to find pictures I must have made for some reason. Pictures of to me unfamiliar things, made because of what I saw surpised me, or maybe enchanted me or puzzled me. Pictures that may look very familiar, nothing special to you.
Enjoy this last day of the weekend, that still is younger at your place over there.
Best wishes from a grey and rainy Amsterdam. Take care and till the next post.

banda islands ($ nutmeg and mace $)

banda islands ($ nutmeg and mace $)




argia 2


Hey Auli, how are you doing? hope your are felling better…..lately I’ve been thinking about shades, shade of life, shade of light, big shades, levels of shades, emotional shades, …. how many meanings can you find, what do you think of the word shade?

Exploring arcilla, exploring Argia…


Hi Sebastián!

Fire, fuego, fogo, feu, 火.., brand, feuer, פייער .., lửa, oheň, φωτιά, نار

I only think of fire…


Hi Lenor! … traveling sketches

cosmo lineas

cosmo lineas

Hi Lenor,

Catching up with posts, have been traveling some. When I travel, I am in my head, especially in the downtime outside of my routine.. it’s sometimes a welcome and quiet time away… the actual time spent traveling. Time traveling, and time-traveling are actually things that interest me.  Have been thinking for sometime about ideas of time and space, and of the cosmos as a metaphoric space that opens up new possibilities or reconsiderations of our realities. From the Cosmo-vision of the Mayas and other ancient civilizations to the kitsch world of science-fiction and the wonder of space and time today, I am interested in the visual and metaphysical exploration of these ideas.

Thin Cities

thin cities1

Whether Armilla is like this because it is unfinished or because it has been demolished, whether the cause is some enchantment or only a whim, I do not know. The fact remains that it has no walls, no ceilings, no floors: it has nothing that makes it seem a city except the water pipes that rise vertically where the houses should be and spread out horizontally where the floors should be: a forest of pipes that end in taps, showers, spouts, overflows. Against the sky a lavabo’s white stands out, or a bathtub, or some other porcelain, like late fruit still hanging from the boughs. You would think that the plumbers had finished their job and gone away before the bricklayers arrived; or else their hydraulic systems, indestructible, had survived a catastrophe, an earthquake, or the corrosion of termites.

Abandoned before or after it was inhabited, Armilla cannot be called deserted. At any hour, raising your eyes among the pipes, you are likely to glimpse a young woman, or many young women, slender, not tall of stature, luxuriating in the bathtubs or arching their backs under the showers suspended in the void, washing or drying or perfuming themselves, or combing their long hair at a mirror. In the sun, the threads of water fanning from the showers glisten, the jets of the taps, the spurts, the splashes, the sponges’ suds.

I have come to this explanation: the streams of water channelled in the pipes of Armilla have remained in the possession of nymphs and naiads. Accustomed to travelling along underground veins, they found it easy to enter the new aquatic realm, to burst from multiple fountains, to find new mirrors, new games, new ways of enjoying the water. Their invasion may have driven out the human beings, or Armilla may have been built by humans as a votive offering to win the favour of the nymphs, offended at the misuse of the waters. In any case, now they seem content, these maidens: in the morning you hear them singing.

In Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino

Take off… layer by layer

layer by layer

Some kind of Argia, or what I undressed today


“What makes Argia different from other cities is that it has earth instead of air. The streets are completely filled with dirt, clay packs the rooms to the ceiling…”

I wanted to undress my past, take off the clothes of my memories, layer by layer, as if it were skin, painfully. Developing images, discovering hidden feelings, destroying to build.

Fragmentes of the lost city


Reflection of a city


je est un autre



what would it be that ghost without you?

Hi Dani it is interesting that you connect the reflexion of yourself in the glass to a ghost. This approaches the way we define things that are vague to us, suspendend in the line of uncertainty, falling off the realm of materiality.
But what would it be that ghost without you?

A person in his individuality never lacks identity. Identity fades when disintegration of the unit occurs. How to precise the very moment a person becomes a ghost?

my shadow, LH 2007

my shadow, LH 2007

result of summation of images exchanged


para dani y sebastian…


deseos III

this necklace is made with the small plates that hold the wicks of the candles.

each person i placed the necklace i added a wick and asked to think a wish.

when i considered it finished, i took the necklace and lit the wicks (not to burn anyone!) to fulfill the wishes…

where we are now?

Dear Fran,

How is your working going on?

I’m working with aluminium.

something in between

image and unreachable

there and not-there

Mäkelän talo I

Fire Work With Me…


Once again you have been a busy bee and I like your ideas.  Unlike you, I didn’t get very far from last time at all.  I thought about fire and wearing fire (but that is also wearing danger as the wearer could get ‘fired’).  I didn’t think of wax and when I saw your sketches, I thought that it could be interesting to have a candle brooch (for example), which you light and allow to burn to the point of perfection, meaning when you, the wearer, thinks it is at its most beautiful.  Perhaps it starts out stiff, white and odd looking, but as the wax melts, the whole piece re-shapes organically.  I think I need to draw this idea.  The wax would also create a mess, probably, and I like that too.  Jewellery isn’t normally allowed to make things dirty and messy, especially the wearer.

I did find this on the internet yesterday, linked to fire, heat, etc.  The text for the image is underneath.


“This porcelain bowl was found among the ruins of Hiroshima after the atomic bomb explosion on 6 August 1945, at the end of World War II. It is a typical piece of Japanese tableware used for pickles and chutneys. The heat of the nuclear explosion caused the glaze of the bowl to melt, and it has fragments of brick and other pottery embedded in it. The family which used the bowl would have been obliterated by the blast; some 80,000 people were killed immediately and a further 60,000 were to die from radiation sickness and other after effects.”


mexico some the wikipedia


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“Mexican” redirects here. For other uses, see Mexican (disambiguation).
This article is about the country in North America. For other uses, see Mexico (disambiguation).
This article is semi-protected due to vandalism.
United Mexican States

Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Flag Coat of arms
Anthem: Himno Nacional Mexicano
Mexican National Anthem
National seal:
Seal of the United Mexican States Seal of the Government of Mexico.svg
(and largest city)
Mexico City
19°03′N 99°22′W / 19.05°N 99.367°W / 19.05; -99.367
Official languages None at federal level.
Spanish (de facto)
National language Spanish, and 62 Indigenous Amerindian languages[1]
Demonym Mexican
Government Federal presidential republic
- President Felipe Calderón
Legislature Congress
- Upper House Senate
- Lower House Chamber of Deputies
Independence from Spain
- Declared September 15, 1810
- Recognized September 27, 1821
- Total 1,972,550 km2 (15th)
761,606 sq mi
- Water (%) 2.5
- mid-2008 estimate 111,211,789 (July 2009)[2] (11th)
- 2005 census 103,263,388
- Density 55/km2 (142nd)
142/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2008 estimate
- Total $1.563 trillion[3] (11th)
- Per capita $14,534[4] (55th)
GDP (nominal) 2008 estimate
- Total $1.143 trillion[5] (13th)
- Per capita 56th $10,211[6] (56th)
Gini (2008) 46.1[7] (high)
HDI (2007) 0.854[8] (high) (53rd)
Currency Peso (MXN)
Time zone Official Mexican Timezones (UTC-8 to -6)
- Summer (DST) varies (UTC-7 to -5)
Drives on the right
Internet TLD .mx
Calling code +52

The United Mexican States[9] (Spanish: About this sound Estados Unidos Mexicanos (help·info)), commonly known as Mexico (English: /ˈmɛksɪkoʊ/) (Spanish: About this sound México (help·info) [ˈmexiko]), is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of Mexico.[10][11] Covering almost 2 million square kilometres,[12] Mexico is the fifth-largest country in the Americas by total area and the 14th largest independent nation in the world. With an estimated population of 111 million,[13] it is the 11th most populous country. Mexico is a federation comprising thirty-one states and a Federal District, the capital city.

In Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica many cultures matured into advanced civilizations such as the Olmec, the Toltec, the Teotihuacan, the Maya and the Aztec before the first contact with Europeans. In 1521, Spain conquered and colonized the territory, which was administered as the viceroyalty of New Spain which would eventually become Mexico as the colony gained independence in 1821. The post-independence period was characterized by economic instability, territorial secession and civil war, including foreign intervention, two empires and two long domestic dictatorships. The latter led to the Mexican Revolution in 1910, which culminated with the promulgation of the 1917 Constitution and the emergence of the country’s current political system. Elections held in July 2000 marked the first time that an opposition party won the presidency from the Institutional Revolutionary Party (Spanish: Partido Revolucionario Institucional, PRI).

As a regional power[14][15] and the only Latin American member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) since 1994, Mexico is firmly established as an upper middle-income country,[16] considered as a newly industrialized country[17][18][19][20] and has the 13th largest nominal GDP, the 11th largest by purchasing power parity, and also the largest GDP per capita in Latin America according to the International Monetary Fund.[21] The economy is strongly linked to those of its North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) partners[22][23] Uneven income distribution and the increase in drug-related violence are issues of concern in Mexico.[24]

mexico photos

fingerprint graffiti

fingerprint graffiti, LH 2009

fingerprint graffiti, LH 2009

When we make a graffiti we are defining a territory at the same time are trespassing the borders of establishments.
A contradition is set when despite being passersby we leave our mark.
Our brief passage is perpetuated on a gesture as if we pass our desire of belongingness to the inscription embossed in the concrete.


I also like the shape of the void that the fire leaves…And you?

roupa queimada


cinto de segurança

freedom for ideas! just a brainstorm…

Hi Sebastián!

Even though we do different things we have many points in common…So, let’s play a little!

Lygia Clark

Deep’s masks, 1968


a ghost…


diego rivera
detalle de mural
conquista de mexico

empezamos- parte 1 –



Hola Peter, representativos objetos de lo que sucede en esta época. Desde lo impersonal del supermercado en donde no existe ningún dialogo y solo se presenta el producto sin mas.

Lo paradójico es que la nacionalidad  es un concepto muy general que no puede abarcar  lo específico  de las individualidades  que comprende.

En relación a lo que mencionabas sobre lo que aprehendemos en la escuela,  Te envió estas imágenes sobre uno de nuestros muy queridos  héroes  nacionales, Don Benito Juárez, interpretado de manera muy personal en cada caso para erigirlo como monumento emblemático en diferentes lugares de la Republica.

Peter, nuevamente  Calurosos  Saludos

Las imágenes provienen del libro” Monumentos Mexicanos de las estatuas de sal y de piedra”Coordinación: Helen Escobedo .Fotografía: Paolo Gori .  Ensayos de: Rita Eder, Néstor García Canclini, Fernando Gonzalez Gortazar,Jorge Ibargüengoitia, Jorge Alberto Manrique, Carlós Monsiváis.

Hello Peter. Very representative objects of what it happens in this age. From the impersonal supermarket where is any dialog, and the product is just presented.

The paradoxical is that the nationality is a very general concept that could not embrace the specific of individuality.

In relation of what you said about, what we learn at school, I send you these images of one of our very love national heroes: Don Benito Juarez, interpreted  in a very personal way on each case for to erect it as an emblematic monument in different places of the Republic.

Peter again warm greetings

These images belong to the book: “Mexican Monuments:  Strange  Encounters Coordinatión: Helen Escobedo. Photography : Paolo Gori . Essayfrom: Rita Eder, Néstor García Canclini, Fernando Gonzalez Gortazar, Jorge Ibargüengoitia, Jorge Alberto Manrique, Carlós Monsiváis.


Juárez 1

Juárez 2