Sometimes I run out of words


How is everything?
I’m glad you liked the flower as it really represents home to me!
With regard to my piece, I had already decided to make it in wax and cast in silver.
It is melting … .. Let’s hope!
By making the piece I am bound to continue to think about migration and being from somewhere else.
I am also curious about the that we are sharing thoughts and ideas with someone who just met, I only knew of your pieces.
Sometimes I run out of words … … … … … .. and I am left thinking about this project … … …



testing the wax model


Bird migration

Hi Susanne!!!
I was reading about migration and looking for terms or phrases for my piece and I found many things about
bird migration.

I remembered your piece seems very nice to compare our migration with the bird migration

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A flock of barnacle geese during autumn migration

Bird migration is the regular seasonal journey undertaken by many species of birds. Bird movements include those made in response to changes in food availability, habitat or weather. These however are usually irregular or in only one direction and are termed variously as nomadism, invasions, dispersal or irruptions. Migration is marked by its annual seasonality.[1] In contrast, birds that are non-migratory are said to be resident or sedentary.

My Flower box from you

homeland box

Hi Susan,
I received on Thursday your fantastic box with your homeland branches. I have not thank you before because I have been out of focus with other processes since my dad passed away on Thursday morning. I have been in and out of touch with my surroundings. At the same time, the need of keeping my mind busy created an inner motivation that has actually allowed me to finish the pieces that I was working on…
These days, immigration have played a big part in my analytical thinking, because in spite all technology, and anthropological studies regarding the positive effects of immigration, the physical distance cannot be replaced by videos, instant messages and other gadgets that create the illusion that we are closer when we are not.
None of that is relevant when what one really needs is a hug from your siblings, the warmth of their body when you need to receive and give comfort from the most important people in your life, that is home.

Thank you for everything!!!


I will send you images later

The final piece

Buzzard, necklace


My necklace with the appearance of a key chain has a cutout buzzard. The oval shape symbolizes my homeland and the sitting bird symbolizes myself. At the other side of the chain the bird has changed, spread his wings and doesn’t fit in the cutout shape of the oval anymore. The chain is linking both parts.

The conversation with Samantha during the last weeks resulted in the content and expression of my necklace.
The sketches of her idea inspired me to make a necklace with two parts. She supported my idea of the bird that can easily be understood as a symbol for migration as many species of birds are migratory too. The light blue flying bird is a symbol of freedom and my personal reason why I have become a migrant.

The final work

My necklace with the appearance of a key chain has a cutout buzzard. The oval shape symbolizes my homeland and the sitting bird symbolizes myself. At the other side of the chain the bird has changed, spread his wings and doesn’t fit in the cutout shape of the oval anymore. The chain is linking both parts.

The conversation with Samantha during the last weeks resulted in the content and expression of my necklace.

The sketches of her idea inspired me to make a necklace with two parts. She supported my idea of the bird that can easily be understood as a symbol for migration as many species of birds are migratory too. The light blue flying bird is a symbol of freedom and my personal reason why I have become a migrant.buzzard

la Pieza


Hi Susanne!!!

Finally we did it!!!!!

I saw your piece!!!!!

It’s so exiting see our works!!


I’m getting better. . . . . It’s not easy





Parte 1 Hacia Dentro

Cuando te mueves de un lugar y llegas a otro recibes información y estímulos. Parte de esta información puede entrar en ti (o no) por esto es el reflejo.

Parte 2 Tu mismo

Esta información puede recorrer tus pensamientos, modificarlos, remarcarlos y transformarlos continuamente.

Parte 3 Hacia afuera

Después de todo este proceso de interiorización interactúas de nuevo con tú entorno pero, ya no del mismo modo porque tus pensamientos o tú identidad se han transformado, y así nuevamente tu alrededor va cambiando, influyes sobre él.

Entonces, se produce un proceso de constante cambio, en el que recibes, procesas y das.

En mi comunicación con Susanne me he dado cuenta y he confirmado que al salir de tu lugar de origen y asentarte en otro sitio ya no eres el mismo, cambias tu manera de recibir, percibir y procesar las cosas.



Part 1 Looking inwards
When you move from one place and get to another, you receive information and stimuli. Some of this information can become part of you (or not) this is the reason of reflection.

Part 2 Oneself
This information can go through your thoughts, changing them, modifying them, emphasizing them or continuously transforming them.

Part 3 Looking outwards
After all this process of internalization one interacts with its environment again but not in the same way because the thoughts or identity that were developed to that point have been transformed, and so again everything is changing around you, as you affect your surroundings.
Then, there is a constant process of change, in which you receive, process and give.
In my communication with Susanne I have realized and have confirmed that leaving your place of origin and settled in another place changes you, you change the way you receive, perceive and process things.