Chose for this collar, with four rows.
The paper example showed me in which sizes I
had to make my wax models,
in order to get the right curve in the end result.
Also taking in account that the clay I am using
shrinks about 12 percent.
Here the poured skulls for the ceremonial collar
in the different sizes.

Also have been pouring for the other necklaces.
Finished that now.
At the moment the kiln is doing a test firing for
some different mixes of glazes and white clay
slib. Curious what I will see when I open the
kiln door tomorrow. Will show you the glazing
querida Jantje, este es un objeto antiguo de metal o que es ? Se ve muy interesante, lleno de texturas de tiempo y finezas.
Dear Jantje , is this an ancient metal object, or, what is that? It looks very interesting, full of time textures and kindness.

Chequita Nahar
forgot the word” hammered” I did this with the piece of wood.
And here a not so good picture of the “matteklopper” as a pendant.
Chequita Nahar
Hello Ketli,
I thought it was interesting to see the infrastructure of both our countries. Which in a way are very similar. I am working on rings because in Surinam almost everybody has the same ring as I said, My idea was perhaps we could make a series of rings or pendants which have symbols joined on them or engraved. The picture I sent is of a how did you call it hand… for dust. But in Surinam its stands for strenght and is used in a lot of ways. Here are some pictures of the work I started but now am bussy with the rings have no good picture yet because of a broken camera have to get a new one.
I also have a picture of some wood I  on that has the same feeling as the maps. Which to me is also interesting. Have to go now but will sent you my skype name tomorrow so we can skype.
Alejandra Solar
Dear Mia,
I didn’t know I live in country that doesn’t exist for others. Last week I was listening to some stories at a friend’s house about how mail gets lost when the final destination is Luxembourg.
A friend is trying to send me a letter from the US since January 7th; here is more ore less what has been happening
Ale, I got your letter returned, so I went to the post office and the letter never left the station because the person who sorter the mail didn’t known where Luxembourg was located.??
Ale, You would not believe it, the letter came back again I went to the post office again put into a new envelope the first one got ripped, It is a joke US post office don’t know about Luxembourg , I am teaching them Ha,ha.
I just can’t believe it , so I’m glad we haven’t had problems sending us things.

Thank you, I am pleased that you liked the butterfly. It is a very simple piece, sometimes I doubted it also for its simplicity and lightness (just as a butterfly). But I like the fact that by wearing it, the shape is changing and the hanging wings remind of a withered flower. With the body of work of the maggots I started later on, but of course it is not a coincidence. The maggots made of mother of pearl (a classical jewellery material) irritate and are disgusting and attractive at the same time. In a former work I worked with rabbit teeth – there it was inverse: the shape was nice, but a lot of people were rejected because they were teeth.
So, that’s for the moment!
Bye, bye. Natalie
Valentina Rosenthal
layer by layer…
..When the strings become so numerous that you can no longer pass among them…..
…abandoned cities, without the walls which do not last..
It’s just now that I discovered your post from January 12th in the gray mass of the blog. Since I am not daily checking it and you haven’t posted it in our account. Sorry!
So, there is more to say! As you probably saw, I posted extremely grey pictures of Zurich, I tried to shoot others, but no deers showed up. The coldness which is probably indeed not only weatherwise, but also socially implied, especially in wintertime. During the summer people are outside, at the lake etc. The sun is melting the coldness. It’s a different city. Now in winter you have to go to dubious, dim bars, you first let alcohol to warm your soul and loose your tongue for finally finding soulmates in such a cave. Melancholy.
Melancholy, loneliness are doubled-etched feelings. If melancholy and unfulfilled yearning would not exist, beauty and desire would be just half as powerful.
One says the russian soul is melancolic, maybe also the finnish (Nelli, what would you think?). Swiss? I would say hidden, because they work so much, there is no space for celebrating melancholy, you live it at home, alone with yourself. The Chilean soul? In Argentina there is Tango, a dance that celebrates melancholy (I like this dance very much and also do it myself). A dance that fits completely well to the topic of migration and identity.
In the context of melancholy I find it interesting that depression is becoming the number one illness in western society. At that point melancholy has lost its beautyful edge and despair is predominant. I wonder whether this accumulation is also because of feeling homeless. By migrating in any kind of way (geographically, mentally) you leave a home. Or as Stuart Hall says: “Migration is a one way trip. There is no home to go back to.” The noble goal is to find a home in this open space of travelling. Hard job!
But I drift apart! Anyway now I have to go for lunch, but I will be back!
Attached a picture of the mountain called “myth” in Switzerland, hey it’s sunny!
Tot ziens – Natalie
Estela Saez Vilanova
Dear eugenia,
On going…
the piece started air, and now is going down to earth…
we have to find the best way, sure!
what about a mirror base…?

Ketli Tiitsar

I like the map you sent me, it looks like a family tree. Is the other image taken from carpetbeater?
I am continuing to work.
Please e-mail me your skype address: ketli(at)ketlitiitsar(dot)com, I shall try to get in contact with you.

Dear Nano
Finally three images of my city: 1. Close to where I live, 2. on my way, 3. view from my atelier.
Mestizaje - I Like this word. A good title. Where or what are the mapuche aspects in your scetches (I am not so familiar with mapuche jewellery)? Did they take over the catholic religion? As you can say that catholicism is the pioneer of globalisation…
what is your mix and Claudia’s mix? You are Chilean, homogen or heterogen?
The black madonna: Here is a link to a black madonna which lives quite close to Zurich, in Einsiedeln:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/Schwarze_Madonna.jpg . I am not at all religiuos, not baptised which is on one hand sad because I don’t know many Christian stories, but I also really don’t have a link to the religiuos feeling. I thought a black madonna is unusual, but apparently there are many.
Money: Do you take coins because of the picture in it? Is it religious? Then money is holy.
Difficult to say something precise, but since you are in a postcolonial country the question of a national identity is certainly not so easy to define. But you’re trained of doing so. Switzerland is a country where people immigrate. This of course also changes the identity of a country, but we are not trained that much yet to accapt that we have to think about our identity with this new society. There is a sound bite: wir riefen Arbeitskräfte, und es kamen Menschen.” (We called workers and it was human beeings that came.).
I also started with my piece: I am carving maggots, lots of maggots from a shell to finally knot them to pearlchain, or maggotchain. Maggots as a symbol of metamorphosis, at a state which is not yet defined, awkward.
The shell comes from the ocean, probably somewhere in Asia, I bought it in Geneva, Switzerland, Now I am changing its shape in Zurich. It will finally show off in Mexico City and hopefully other destinations. Think local, act global, or the other way around.
Title: The necklace will be titled: “Made in Switzerland” (Made in German is maggot in English is larva in Spanish).
I am thinking about assigning each maggot to a different country. For each country I serach for the average monthly income. I calculate the time to fabricate one maggot and then I calculate for each country the worth of my work. To get the prize of the necklace I add all the sums. So in the end my piece has a global price. Well, I am not sure yet.

La Luna es sólo un frio cuerpo rocoso, pero es el mayor imán de la nostalgia…
The Moon is just a cold rocky body, but it is the biggest magnet of nostalgia …
Cuando usted se encuentre muy lejos mire a la luna y esta será la misma luna que yo habré mirado…
When you find yourself far away look at the moon and this is the same moon that I have looked…
La nostalgia se vuelve importante como una práctica cultural conforme la cultura se vuelve más y más difusa, [...] conforme la cultura adquiere el poder de la “distancia” que surge del desplazamiento de los hablantes.
Kathleen Stewart (1988: 227)
Nostalgia rises to importance as a cultural practice as culture becomes more and more diffuse, […] as culture takes on the power of “distance” that comes of displacing speakers.
Kathleen Stewart (1988: 227)
“La nostalgia es un término que fue inventado por un médico suizo en la segunda mitad del siglo XVII por la combinación de dos palabras griegas, nostos (significa regresar a casa) y algos (significa sufrimiento)…”. “Es la tristeza, el malestar o el dolor causado por la distancia y la separación de la tierra natal y de los seres queridos al viajar a un lugar lejano.”
(Shinji Hirai, 2007: 10, 11).
“Nostalgia is a term that was invented by a Swiss doctor in the second half of the seventeenth century combining two Greek words, nostos (meaning return home) and algos (meaning pain )…”. “It’s the sadness, discomfort or pain caused by distance and separation from the homeland and loved ones by travelling to a faraway place.”
(Shinji Hirai, 2007: 10, 11).

Comienso mi trabajo con el nombre…
My work begins with the name …
Conjuros, mecanismos e ingenios para la nostalgia.
Spells, mechanisms and wits for nostalgia.
Primer ingenio
First wit
Segundo ingenio
Second wit
Tercer ingenio
Third wit
Cuarto ingenio
Fourth wit
Quinto ingenio
Fifth wit
Sexto ingenio
Sixth wit
Septimo ingenio
Seventh wit
…pero dicen que el corazón es la oficina de los espíritus…
… but they say that the heart is the office of the spirits …
El corazón viajante ::
El corazón Inició su viaje en un mundo lejano…. otro lugar…
Y el viajó solo…. atravesando espacios inmensos….
Luego encontró lugares en territorios que le recordaban el suyo propio…
Y la nostalgia lo encontró a el….
Y lo abrazo.
Y el comenzó a crear objetos que llenaran su mente
y lo llevaran de regreso en su viaje…
Entonces se quedó en ese lugar y la nostalgia fue parte de su nueva patria…
Y creció!!!
The travelling heart ::
The heart began its journey in a world far away …. elsewhere …
And he travel alone …. across immense spaces ….
Then he found places on land that reminded him of his own …
And nostalgia found him ….
And hug him.
And he began to create objects that filled his mind
and bring him back on his journey …
So he stayed in that place and nostalgia was part of his new home …
And grew!

El corazón Inició su viaje en un mundo lejano…. otro lugar…
The heart began its journey in a world far away …. elsewhere …

Y el viajó solo…. atravesando espacios inmensos….
And he travel alone …. across immense spaces ….

Luego encontró lugares en territorios que le recordaban el suyo propio…
Then he found places on land that reminded him of his own …

Y la nostalgia lo encontró…. Y lo abrazo.
And nostalgia found him …. And hug him.

Y el comenzó a crear objetos que llenaran su mente y lo llevaran de regreso en su viaje…
And he began to create objects that filled his mind and bring him back on his journey …

Entonces se quedó en ese lugar y la nostalgia fue parte de su nueva patria…
Y creció!!!
So he stayed in that place and nostalgia was part of his new home …
And grew!

you will wonder that the Sun is the only body in the solar system, which shines with its own light. And the Moon is just a cold, a rocky body.
Ketli Tiitsar
Today when I looked at the images I sent you yesterday, I felt I have to explain a bit as it is quite far from symbols we talked about last time.
If you look at some images, regardless your nation, culture or place you live, they are easy to perceive, but this does’nt have to be necesserily their only meaning. Therefore I sent you these images(I was working with them for something else too). First this agricultural system, what looks probably quite similar for the ones used in your country. But it can also be percived as scheme made after aerial photo or just a dynamic drawing. Second pictue have strong characteristics of its decade and actually makes the subject(miners life) less important.
Quite the same thing is with looking at things while you are abroad. People might use the images you know well as characteristic for certain themes in completely different context. When you do not know the language of the country you temporarily are living in, lots of interesting miss haps can happen. Also while translating complicated texts from foreign language, you actually create your own parallel texts with a new meanings. I remember once, that years later when the same book was translated into Estonian I was really disappointed because I interpreted the text so differently from the original.
Last week we had the opening of really interesting international exhibition in the KUMU Art Museum-”Let’s talk about nationalism! Between ideology and identity.” You can read their online catalogue here.
And I am looking forward to see your new work. I hope to shear my experiments soon too.
All the best,
Chequita Nahar
Dear ketli,
I am also working on some things which I am trying to photograph. we could have some chats by skype to boost things up. I am also sending you some maps of Surinam and the plant-ages they had there and how they were situated. I am working on some rings who are very common in Surinam. Every body in Surinam has a ring like the symbol of something which is known to many people(see picture.)
I think this is very interesting just like the map that when you look at it there are common grounds even though the cultures are different. We can skype, but perhaps I can sent you my skype name somewhere else, because it is joint with my husband.
Ketli Tiitsar
Typical book of propaganda.
“Man’s work determines the face and name of the country and soil, in which his roots are embedded…”
Beautiful photo album showing the cole pits of Eastern Estonia, miners, engineers and their families, how they lived, worked and how they spent their free time. Life looked like a flower, but what can you believe only according to the images?
Book by Samuil Migdal, graphic design Ülo Habicht. Published on 1968, Tallinn.
Eduardo Graue
Hola Peter, aquí te mando más colores y gracias por preguntarme si necesito algo.
Tu trabajo se ve muy bien, ese ritmo de elementos esféricos, pequeños cráneos en una forma circular.Suena muy apropiada la tecnología de cocina para conseguir esa textura cremosa, debe de ser muy emocionante vivir ese proceso.
Mi trabajo en la UNAM es de maestro en el laboratorio de joyería junto con el maestro Andrés Fonseca dentro del CIDI, y es muy enriquecedora la interacción con los estudiantes y también con los otros maestros de este lugar.
He comenzado mi pieza
Decidí hacer un tubo de red tejida. Lo que pienso que es peculiar de esta clase de trabajo tejido es el ritmo monótono que se genera con los alambres y los espacios que dejan ver lo que esta del otro lado, dividiendo las formas en pequeño puntos como una pared óptica. El alambre de plata da un gris brilloso a lo que se ve del otro lado y hace plana o indefinida cualquier forma específica viendo a través de este.
Quiero poner objetos dentro de este tubo con la posibilidad constante de cambiarlos como oportunidad de retransformar el objeto y establecer una interacción con el usuario.
Creo que cada uno tiene sus propios especiales objetos significativos encontrados en el viaje hacia algún lugar en todo momento, y están cambiando. También los objetos de joyería contienen los significados que nosotros les damos, contenidos dentro de sus formas externas ,tal vez anodinas , percibidas a través de nuestros sentidos porque son objetos que nos acompañan en ese viaje.
Otra vez me despido Peter, hasta pronto y buenos deseos en todos los procesos
Hello Peter, here I send you more colors and thanks for ask me if I need something.

Your work looks very well, that rhythm of spherical elements, small skulls in a circular form. Sounds very proper the kitchen technology to get that cream texture must be very moving to live that process.
My work in UNAM is being teacher together with the teacher Andrés Fonseca in the jewelry laboratory of the CIDI, and is very enriching the interaction with the students and also with the other teacher in this place.
I all ready start my work,

I decide to make a weaving net tube. What I think is peculiar of this kind of network is the monotonous rhythm that is generated with the wires and spaces that lets look from one side to the other, dividing the form in small spots like an optic wall . The silver wire gives a gray shiny film to what is look on the other side and made flat or indefinite any peculiar form if you look through it.
I want to put some objects inside with the constant possibility of change them, as an opportunity to retransform the object and establish an interaction with the user.
I think that every one has there own special significant objects founded in the traveling to some place in the time, and there are changing. Also the jewelry objects have the significant that we give them contained within there maybe anodynes external forms,, perceived through our senses because they go together with us in that travel.
Peter, till soon again, and good wishes in every process.
Ketli Tiitsar
Different agricultural systems for cultivating land in Estonia. How different it is from your country?
Two weeks ago I started with some try out but lots of doubts so far and therefore I feel uncomfortable to show them now. Instead I am sending you some images.
Would you be willing to have a chat via Skype to give a refreshing kick to our conversations? My Skype name is the same as the original on.
Greetings, from very snowy Tallinn,
Thelma Aviani
I was unable to see the cave’s video and will try again later.
I send you a reverse mode of a tool, the pio, used to connect people and birds.
It reproduces the sound.
I whish I could make one of those to communicate with people.

Francisca Kweitel
van apareciendo las imagenes en la superficie, como cuando brota el agua del suelo.
empiezan a materializarse las sucesivas capas de lo intercambiado.
y así empieza a aflorar una idea…
mi mapa es mi propio cuerpo. porque todo lo que mudo cada vez que cambio de ciudad esta en él. no en los objetos, ni en la ropa, ni en las joyas, ni en las cosas que nos rodean sino en los abrazos, las miradas, los recuerdos… las marcas quedan en este cascarón que me proteje y me sugiere lo que la conciencia no quiere ver.

the images are appearing on the surface, as when the ground water springs.
coming into existence of the successive layers exchanged.
and so begins to emerge an idea …my map is my own body. because everything that i moved when i change the city it’s on it. not in the objects, or clothes, or jewelry, or things that surround us but yes in the hugs, the looks, the memories … marks left in this shell that protects me and subject me what conscience will not see.
Maria Constanza Ochoa
Now that i am feeling that the time for this project to finish is close…i feel a little bit sad, even if i am not being so much constant, for different reasons, now i feel that i will miss this blog, and i would like to propose to continue with this, i mean, not just for a symposium, but just to share experiences, ideas, technics…anyway there are so much to explore.
As i say before i haven´t been so much “talkative” in the blog, but some way it has been a huge motivation for me to continue with my jewelery; i think that in this field, we need a lot of thinking and a lot of perception, and some times trying to find this “click” we find a lot of contradictions and maybe is the moment to see and share different points of view and other perceptions, to open our eyes, or maybe just to take us “out of the box”, like in this project.
Yesterday i was reading must of the posts and was very nice to see how one common language put us together without being together, but at the same time wanted to be together…ohy, confuse but understandable.
After all this, i have been thinking that we live in a world of “opposites”, we are here but we are from there, we want this but at the same time that, and it is not bad, at the contrary(another opposite ) is good; also, i found one of the post that it says “You sleep when i am awake”, anyway, even us, we are from “opposite” sides of the world, but now we are in the same side; and this is my point, how even the opposites can find a match?
I am trying to work on this concept, but i now that the time is close, and i am not sure that i can explore a lot, but i hope that something good will come up for the begining . I don´t have any pictures yet, but i will send some soon.
I saw your picture of your job on progress, have you finished anything that you want to share? Which materials are you using?
There is something that i was wondering, usually how you work? do you choose a concept and you work on it? or do you base your work on pictures? or you just let the material takes you to the result?
Ok, this is me..for now…i hope to be in touch with you in the this days.
By the way, somebody sent me some pictures from a river in my country, that has just 100 Km and is know as ¨the river of 5 colors¨, because the colors of the moss that grows on the stones under the water. And because i know that you like to work with colors and you like Latinamerica, i would like to share this photos with you.
Take care

Luzia Vogt
corrigendum and incredible cave
As you wrote me, Carolina, the folded bird is a japanes crane (Kranich in German). How could I forget, …sorry.
About the incredible cristal cave in Mexico
Here is an interesting link about a huge cristal cave in Mexico. Just as an information. Unfortunately the cave is not accessible for public. and as I understand it will be flooded as soon as the work around in the mines will be finished. It looks so incredible and wonderful.
Have a look on the bbc page, the link is:
or on the naica page