Dani Soter

Dear Sebastian,
Thank you for this partnership in this project. Everything you said inspired me . I think we know each other a lot and we have a real complicity, even if we never have seen or know each other very much.
*I dedicate this work to my beautiful friend Astrid, who died this week.
Dani Soter
Dear Andrea, dear Valeria,
Excuse my long silence these last days. I have gone through a difficult and painful because of the loss of a dear friend.
However, I want to thank you for this wonderful opportunity you gave me inviting me to participate in this fantastic project. I loved my partner, Sebastian. A true artist, intelligent and sensitive.
You are the best!!!
Un grande beso,
Ketli Tiitsar

Dear Chequita,
I am sorry for the little break again, we established such a good rhythm, but my daughter got sick and last days have been really hard.
Your images show similarity in our thinking for me. It is really interesting to follow how from quite different points of view we have developed some kind of common ground for our current work. I like your little talisman bags, they resemble tea bags a little bit, with their transparency. All tea are made from the same species of plant, from the same leaves. I find it very captivating that one plant gives so many different tastes. Tea is my favorite beverage.
And the way you have attached the little symbols to wooden details is very poetic, I like the dynamic and natural order with strings. I am just amazed how similar way we work. First I also tried to hang my drops exactly the same way with string you did. But my strings got so badly messy that it took me long time to solve the order.
About my work. This is the photo I plan to send for the catalogue. With the search of symbol for my work I chose different types of wood, mostly from Estonia. I find them bearing strong narratives within their texture. Drop is like vertical distance reaching deepness. Act of falling, loosing, gaining. First I saw all these drops in one piece, like a heavy burden. Now I started to doubt in this heaviness. Set of separate pins would be perhaps better solution. My hands are tied, I know there is absolutely no time left, and my baby is sick but… Tomorrow the only chance, to fix this as I want to post the work on Thursday morning. I certainly will try. I will show you the result.
As soon you feel you are reaching something, things change and new perspectives appear. With making jewellery isn’t it always so?
Are you planning to attend the conference in Mexico City?
Talk to you soon,
Francisca Kweitel

Cazando palabras.
Capas. Mapas. Entrever. Descubrir. Recopilar. Caminos. Encuentros. Intercambio. Puentes. Conexión. Respirar. Blanco. Silencio.
Parte de mi. Yo y mi otro yo.
Cambiar la piel. Vos y yo.
Las cosas que llevo conmigo a cada sitio están dentro y se ven reflejadas en el mapa del cuerpo que se dibuja con la misma realidad.
Pieza. Broche doble. Bronce oxidado, cuero crudo cosido y grabado, plata. Bronce oxidado, papel y tela grabada, plata.

Hi andrea: this is a fragment of the final piece. Today I will put it in a box to send it. i dont think the proyect it’s over…let’s see what happend now…maybe the gray area turns to something more colorful!
Hi Maria,
nice to see your work! it look interesting.
I show you some pictures of my process. I had “The grass is not greener…” in my mind and tried to express its complexity. This saying is so banal and simple and in fact for you and me it is not greener but for so many others people in the world it really is. I could not get rid of that thought. I was thinking also about demarcations lines, before and after. When something starts and when it stops ? I wanted to make a piece with different layers, colors and expression. The first one “green” turned out to “pretty”.

I decided to work with the last picture.
Carla Castiago

Carla Castiago

“What meaning does your construction have?”
The streets are completely filled with soil.”
Guigui Kohon
Hi terhi!
Ya está terminado, aunque después de la alegría de haberlo hecho, me quedan las ganas de seguir haciendo más!
La pieza es una autoretrato, quice explicarte las historias-ciudades y rastros que me han dejado las distintas ciudades en las que viví: Concepción del Uruguay, Buenos Aires y Barcelona.
Y he aquí un tríptico, en cuyo fondo están las letras, todo lo que te hubiera querido contar de mí, (lo que dije y lo que escondí).
Toda esto ha sacado de mi memoria el espejo de tres cuerpos de la casa de mi infancia, donde jugaba a mirarme y verme desde varios ángulos. ¿Será que hice algo así?

It’s finished, even after the joy of having done so, I’ve got the urge to keep doing more!
The piece is a self-portrait, I wanted to explain the cities- stories and traces, left by the various cities I lived: Concepcion del Uruguay, Buenos Aires and Barcelona.
And here is a triptych, in the bottom are the letters: all I wanted to tell about me, (what I said and what I hide).
All this have been taken from my memory; the three-body mirror of my childhood home, where I played to watch myself from different angles. Have I made something alike?

Eduardo Graue
A de ser emocionante organizar ese número de figuras y a cada una realizarle más aplicaciones, cada cráneo representa un número de acciones repetitivas , me gustan esa clase de procesos porque dan un boceto de los comienzos de la industria, también con ellos es agradable ver antes la secuencia, organizar, reducir tiempo, darle mas calidad a los objetos. Esto puede ser como una tipo de magia. Porque luego surgen soluciones progresivas
En las fotos puedo ver puntos obscuros en cada cráneo supongo que será por donde se unan para formar el collar
Se ven con otro sentido, en ese tamaño todos juntos, como en una instalación a otra escala
En relación a la porcelana que utilizas en algunas de las piezas de las diferentes series en tu pagina, Imagino que puede ser muy evocativo revivir en algún sentido el proceso de la fabricación de objetos con este material tan significativo en la historia de Europa, su redescubrimiento y producción en determinada época, el intercambio de los objetos utilizados en Europa y reproducidos en porcelana por Oriente me recuerda un momento intenso de interacción entre ambas regiones. Creo que ese período fue extremadamente importante para Europa porque en este momento fue posible hacer una industria para también reproducir el material y los objetos que eran tan deseados. La alquimia comenzó a ser apropiada para esos problemas específicos
Aquí te mando mas fotos de cómo ha ido el proceso Peter, el tejido quedo bien. Hay algunas texturas de cuando el objeto no ha sido concluido que son muy fuerte o expresivas, en este caso las fotos están bien para recordarlas y pensar en nuevos procesos futuros que las rescaten.
También saque algunas fotos en un lugar indicado de tal forma que el tránsito presentara una inclinación semejante al trayecto de este sobre el collar
En esta semana aparecieron diferentes apreciaciones en relación al tejido para tener la optima resolución . No se si estará bien poner los coches encima de este , pues se transforma en otra cosa .
En relación a lo de las tripas, Aquí también es común un refrán que dice: “hacer de tripas corazón” y se refiere a realizar un gran esfuerzo para enfrentar un obstáculo, un gran esfuerzo y disimular el miedo sobreponiéndose. Enfrentarse también a una situación desagradable o algo que no nos apetece nada hacer ,pero que no tenemos mas remedio que hacer.
Peter que estés muy bien en muy breve te mando mas correos saludos
Must be exiting to organize that number of figures and to realize more applications on each one, every skull represent a number of repetitive actions, I like that kind of process because they give a sketch of the beginning of an industry, also with them is pleasant to watch before the sequence, organize, reduce time, give more quality to the objects. This could be a kind of magic, because then it emerge progressive solutions
In the photos I could see a dark spot on each skull and I supposed will be to joint all the skulls form the necklace. They look in other sense, in that size all together like in an invert scale installation.
In relation of the porcelain you use in some of the objects of your series in your web page, I imagine could be very evocative to revive in a way the process of making object with that material so signifying in the history of Europe, his rediscovery and production in an specific period, the exchange of the objects use by the European people reproduced in porcelain by Orient remain me intense moment of interaction between both regions. I think that period was extremely important for Europe because in this moment was possible to make an industry ,to also reproduce that material and objects that were so wished, the alchemy began to be suitable in that specific problems
Here I send you more photos of how was going the process Peter,

the weaving was right, there are some textures that when the object is not concluded are very strong or expressive , In this case the photos are all right to rescue them and think in new process for nexts objets in the future.
Also I take some photos in a right place, so that the transit presents a similar inclination to the way of this on the necklace

In this week appear different appreciations with this weaving for get the optima resolution and I don’t now if it will be right to put the car upon the weave because the weave change to another thing
In relation with the guts here we have also a saying that goes:
“To made from guts heart”
And recount that: when you have to make a great effort to confront an obstacle, a great effort hiding the fear and going forward, also when you have to do something unpleasant or that you dislike but there is not other way.
Peter be allrigth an in soon I´ll send you more posts

Hi Susanne!!!
Finally we did it!!!!!
I saw your piece!!!!!
It’s so exiting see our works!!
I’m getting better. . . . . It’s not easy
Susanne Klemm
My necklace with the appearance of a key chain has a cutout buzzard. The oval shape symbolizes my homeland and the sitting bird symbolizes myself. At the other side of the chain the bird has changed, spread his wings and doesn’t fit in the cutout shape of the oval anymore. The chain is linking both parts.
The conversation with Samantha during the last weeks resulted in the content and expression of my necklace.
The sketches of her idea inspired me to make a necklace with two parts. She supported my idea of the bird that can easily be understood as a symbol for migration as many species of birds are migratory too. The light blue flying bird is a symbol of freedom and my personal reason why I have become a migrant.
Susanne Klemm
My necklace with the appearance of a key chain has a cutout buzzard. The oval shape symbolizes my homeland and the sitting bird symbolizes myself. At the other side of the chain the bird has changed, spread his wings and doesn’t fit in the cutout shape of the oval anymore. The chain is linking both parts.
The conversation with Samantha during the last weeks resulted in the content and expression of my necklace.
The sketches of her idea inspired me to make a necklace with two parts. She supported my idea of the bird that can easily be understood as a symbol for migration as many species of birds are migratory too. The light blue flying bird is a symbol of freedom and my personal reason why I have become a migrant.
Nelli Tanner

Dear Francisca,
here are the multiple pieces called Carrying. They are made of birch and aluminium. The pieces are attached into the clothing with needle and thread, by sewing like the main piece (the image i sent 2 days ago) which is called Carrying around.
You asked me if I would tell something about these works…
Carrying around people, woods, surroundings. Different cities, streets, parts of. They are in me. I was intrigued by left behind things which we keep carrying around as images, scents or stories. Things like wooden furniture, landscapes or the feeling which makes you feel at home.
What to take with me – layers of comfort and forgetting. Vague memories. Left behind are like shadows carved into the wood. Next to skin. Under your jacket. Or something to show others where you from.
I wanted to use birch which is a very common wood in Finland. We use it for everything: heating the house, making furniture, cutlery, ornaments, using it as decoration in mid-summer party etc. I like the lightness and texture in it. Aluminium I wanted to use for its whiteness and coldness. As you know how fascinated I am with snow and it’s shades.
We were exchanging images of shadows, maps, lines…Through the conversations the work started to grow. With the first look it reminds a map. With a second look it reveals people, place and parts of…
From middle of snow banks and -25 degrees in winterland,
“A Perfect Fit? >or< Greener Grass On The Other Side?”

Cristina Filipe
Caravaggio | 1594 – 1596
Cristina Filipe
Dear Heleno
Cícero (António) the Brazilian contemporary poet wrote:
“Guardar uma coisa não é escondê-la ou trancá-la.
em cofre não se guarda coisa alguma.
em cofre perde-se a coisa à vista.
guardar uma coisa é olhá-la, fitá-la, mirá-la por
admirá-la, isto é, iluminá-la ou ser por ela iluminado.
Guardar uma coisa é vigiá-la, isto é, fazer vigília por ela,
isto é, velar por ela, isto é, estar acordado por ela,
isto é, estar por ela ou ser por ela.
Por isso melhor se guarda um vôo de um pássaro
do que um pássaro sem vôos.
Por isso se escreve, por isso se diz, por isso se publica,
por isso se declara e declama um poema:
Para guardá-lo:
para que ele, por sua vez, guarde o que guarda:
Guarde o que quer que guarda um poema:
Por isso o lance do poema:
Por guardar-se o que se quer guardar”
I thought about this poem when you ask me what is our tresure today…about our necessity to express it in order to be conscious of it.
Some how what we want is to keep our treasure beyond that mirror. As Cicero’s says in his poem, to keep is to look after it, is to work about it, to mention it…so our precious “thing” which I do not know exactly what it is, is the fact that we are conscious about it and we want to make something with it…may be our treasure is our dialogue, it is exactly our encounter on the 22nd April…curiously also the day when I was born 465 years later.
Yes, I have heard about the mirrors gift, but I haven’t thought…and I found it amazing and also extremely interesting the unconscious coincidence about proposing to use a mirror in our installation…who makes it even more meaningful…and, of course, has you said it is very interesting to work about that with a critical and contemporary vision.
The ambiguity of the mirror…that first was gifted as a powerful object, almost a magic tool to conquest the natives…is absolutely about to exert power giving to the other an artefact that makes him believe that is stronger because now his able to see his own image. But this poisonet present it is really about to colonized, to seduce, to impose power, contaminating…
But, still, the inner voice, the soul, is more important that to see and to be conscious of the reflex of our self’s in a certain mirror (remind Narciso myth),…that’s why in this little niche, at ex-Teresa, even if I will be able to see myself reflected on that mirror, even if that mirror will be a metaphor of the ones who pretend to be safe and stronger, the treasure is the soul of the real one who belongs to that earth. So the treasure is the “alma”, the “truth”, the inner us. How can you materialize “alma”. How can you go back to those indigenes…how can we feel them?
Silence…is one of the stronger tools of communication. How can we express silence? Wisdom?
I do not have a final vision yet I do believe and feel we are close…to materialise is for me one of the most difficult tasks, I found it extremely difficult to give shape to a certain thought or idea…I believe that we always fail when we do it and we always work out about the same because we are never satisfied with what we get so far…
What I like about the work I have seen from you, so far, is the aspect that there is not a predicted shape, or form…those last pieces you have shown me they are gestures, simple actions that translate an idea through that performative gesture.
Myself I have been working through that. How a gesture could translate a piece. I use my body to demonstrate that, and I like the mystery of that gesture trough that small action…
So, for our intervention in Ex Teresa in Mexico I am also interested into the body presence through small gestures.. And how these translates our idea….that’s why the mirror and that’s why the voice, the sound, the memory of a certain gesture or action…as we have talked before…for instance, the ping pong sound , the typing machine…both sounds created by body actions.
I believe we should keep on this stage of mind…what ever will be our treasure beyond… it should be translate it with a body gesture…even if just breathing. How interesting could be to see Me and to listening to Your breathing. To synchronized our breathing…for instance…
I am conscious that we have difficulties to generate sound, but maybe we found a solution. I haven’t got yet the time to investigate better this technical problem…but it can also be something else that it will bring your presence: a certain smell, a strong odour…a texture…something really that takes you beyond that mirror, something that will remove you from your reflex and makes you strongly conscientious and curious of the importance of the presence of the other.
I live you with the last 3 paragraphs of Pero Vaz de Caminho letter:
Esta terra, Senhor, parece-me que, da ponta que mais contra o sul vimos, até à outra ponta que contra o norte vem, de que nós deste porto houvemos vista, será tamanha que haverá nela bem vinte ou vinte e cinco léguas de costa. Traz ao longo do mar em algumas partes grandes barreiras, umas vermelhas, e outras brancas; e a terra de cima toda chã e muito cheia de grandes arvoredos. De ponta a ponta é toda praia… muito chã e muito formosa. Pelo sertão nos pareceu, vista do mar, muito grande; porque a estender olhos, não podíamos ver senão terra e arvoredos — terra que nos parecia muito extensa.
Até agora não pudemos saber se há ouro ou prata nela, ou outra coisa de metal, ou ferro; nem lha vimos. Contudo a terra em si é de muito bons ares frescos e temperados como os de Entre-Douro-e- -Minho, porque neste tempo d’agora assim os achávamos como os de lá. Águas são muitas; infinitas. Em tal maneira é graciosa que, querendo-a aproveitar, dar-se-á nela tudo; por causa das águas que tem!
Contudo, o melhor fruto que dela se pode tirar parece-me que será salvar esta gente. E esta deve ser a principal semente que Vossa Alteza em ela deve lançar. E que não houvesse mais do que ter Vossa Alteza aqui esta pousada para essa navegação de Calicute bastava. Quanto mais, disposição para se nela cumprir e fazer o que Vossa Alteza tanto deseja, a saber, acrescentamento da nossa fé!

final pieces, but not final pictures….

Los días pasan rápido y el clima va cambiando de soleado templado a soleado frío, pasando por lluvioso.

Days pass quickly and climate changes from warm sunny to cold sunny through rainy days.

Lo mismo pasa con los ingenios. Cambian, se transforman para ser lo que quieren ser y decirme como seguir.

The same goes for the wits. They change, they transform to be what they want to be and tell me how to continue.

Hasta ahora se comportan…. Until now they behave ….

Esto es lo que veo por mi ventana mientras trabajo…. cambios y mas cambios en el Ajusco, una hermosa montaña cercana a la ciudad.
This is what I see from my window while I work …. changes and more changes in Ajusco, a beautiful mountain near the city.
Del séptimo ingenio
From seventh wit
Del tercer ingenio
From third wit
Karin Seufert
Hej hello,
Nice to hear from you again in this stressy time!!
I think we both start now after half a year warming up with our conversation and circling around interesting subjects.
So, it is a great idea to continue this cyber-conversation but then via mail.
There was always this contradiction between the side, that it is very nice to follow all this talks between the couples and their ideas and see how someone else start up making a piece or how the ideas going on between different persons, but there is also this side that you perhaps don’t want to be that personal within a public space.
Anyway, I would really like to continue and see where we are coming.
Now I have your email, thank you, I will contact you directly.
In the moment I’m really in stress. My pieces, I planned a series of 9, are under construction, 3 are ready and 6 not…. And well, you know how short the time is.
Tomorrow I will return to Berlin, when my plane is leaving…. Sweden is covered under one big layer of snow since yesterday and the temperatures went down to minus 12, so I cross my fingers. And when I’m back I have to work as crazy to finish in time! So, you will get the photos a bit later.
I’m very curios to see your piece in real! The pieces on the second picture look beautiful, like you described them as smooth and soft in appearance. Funny, I used the oval shape too.
So, perhaps from now on via mail?
And yes, I’m going to the symposium. I’m looking forwards because we combine this trip with a little journey through Mexico; it seems to be a beautiful country. I can send you pictures!
Bye bye and take care, Karin

Hola Eduardo,
This is what the decal I got last Thursday looks like. The pink colour is the lacquer that holds the images together. That layer sits on a paper transfer and comes apart when soaking the decal into water.
Had to do that test firing. Here three heads with the decals stuck onto them. You still see that pink layer that will burn away.
Despite the thin layer of glaze the images caught well, so I can continue applying the numbers without a problem, fortunately.
Will give the first half of the skulls their final firing tomorrow. The decals have to dry the night over.
Are you succeeding with your plans?
Till soon, Peter

Hi Susan,
I received on Thursday your fantastic box with your homeland branches. I have not thank you before because I have been out of focus with other processes since my dad passed away on Thursday morning. I have been in and out of touch with my surroundings. At the same time, the need of keeping my mind busy created an inner motivation that has actually allowed me to finish the pieces that I was working on…
These days, immigration have played a big part in my analytical thinking, because in spite all technology, and anthropological studies regarding the positive effects of immigration, the physical distance cannot be replaced by videos, instant messages and other gadgets that create the illusion that we are closer when we are not.
None of that is relevant when what one really needs is a hug from your siblings, the warmth of their body when you need to receive and give comfort from the most important people in your life, that is home.
Thank you for everything!!!
I will send you images later
Chequita Nahar
Liked the wooden pendants as I said was also working on wood, because in surinam woodcarving is one of the main things people do. Combining this with symbols from surinam and spices the estonia words reminding me of. Everything will be dyed red, because that stands for ‘ unity of all ethnical groups’ in Surinam and protection.
What do you think?  
Cristina Filipe
Dear Heleno I am listening to:
A long letter about our past, our history…what are you telling me…what is the story about..who I did hurt when I first arrive?… The wounds…we have open..the walks we have done…everything that happens to us in our previous life…not sure who come first. The space was empty, a lot of trees and sand….sun…and water. The sound of the birds was intense and continue…the colour was…gold? Where am I. Who are you and where I can find you. Let me be You. When I see me I hear you. Your voice comes through the sound of your fingers typping on a old typewriting machine. Where did you found it..? To whom it belongs? Tell me the story …the story of your native world…I miss your past…I miss your treasures…we lost it…but now we found it. It is there hidden behind that mirror I can feel it is inside me…
I see me and I feel you, your world…your deep and profound roots coming into my soul…I am not only me anymore. I can not be only me from that moment I touch your ground…
I can hear the sound of your finger writing on the sand…the silence of your movement echoes on my hear. I hear the sound of your presence…that’s all I can hear from now.
I can hear You. Can you see Me? Can you see my reflex behind that mirror? Listening to the sound of your presence?