Hello Eduardo, We humans can have the tendency to try to place phenomena that happen around us and which we find hard to understand into the realm of the supernatural. In a more or lesser extend we all do that. It is especially the case where large amounts of people find one another in the mutual adoration and belief in a divine being. I wonder why the story of the Virgin of Guadeloupe in particular turned out to have such a great recognition by the majority of the Mexican population. Very clever those Spaniards to impose their religion upon other peoples by incorporating the ‘pagan’ sanctuaries and worship into the official faith. The church of Rome has also done this in christianizing this part of the world. I think all major world religions have done this in order to extend their influence. That explains the many regional differences in the practice of Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism. And they all may need these exceptional places of eternal beauty on this earth to have their centres. When I was in Mexico I bought a small image that I have in my studio. I see it daily. I bought it because in some way it echoed the idea of a purgatory I grew up with and also because it tells about liberation. Nevertheless I had never seen a picture like this. The woman in the picture doesn’t seem to be hurt or tortured by the flames. I find it a strong image. Now the picture is on the wall near the kiln I fire my work in: the little purgatory where my objects turn from something out of loose powdery river clay into firm and lasting ceramics. Which is also a miracle in itself. As you may have seen I love to work with ceramics, I just find the material beautiful. I started experimenting with it in 1994, and as a matter of fact I still am. I was not educated in ceramic design which may have its disadvantages in technical know-how, it also gives me a quite open approach of using it in jewellery. I like the plastic property of the material next to the often rigid materials like metals and stones we usually work with in the field of jewellery. With each collection I try to find new solutions in making vulnerable and breakable ceramics wearable. And in each new collection I am introducing new techniques. This way I keep learning about the material and this way working on my jewellery doesn’t become boring. Because I am trying out new ways of using ceramics in jewellery, during the experimental stages it is a surprise often what the work will look like when I open the kiln door. Did that glaze turn out okay? Was it the right temperature? Are these types of clay compatible? Etc, etc. Sometimes days and days of work may be completely destroyed in just a few hours of firing. So yes, I need a small saint next to my kiln!
I am thinking about making a necklace that looks like it may have been made by a Mexican (jeweller). Will Mexican people seeing it embrace it at something of their own of won’t they? This could be the same issue people have to deal with when they move somewhere else and try to adapt to their new environment, no matter how hard they try. Will they become part of the new land/identity or will they in some way always stay foreign? I tend to think the latter, because of not shared history together. In this way our dialogue is a great contribution to the work I am to make. You make me aware of a new history that is not mine. Thank you for that. I am also curious what direction your plans for a piece of jewellery will go in our dialogue. Hope to hear from you soon. In the meantime be well. Peter Welcome to the blog Agnieszka! I’m glad to have you here, now we can start really working. I agree migration most of the times brings loss and pain, but it also brings strength and satisfaction. As you mention we are lucky to be able to create our way toward our dreams, by choosing where to go and why. Other people have to go though a lot of things to just to reach other country. “When things became too blurry you can always choose another pair of glasses” I really like the way you said this. I believe everyone who wants to migrate is always looking for a better opportunity, the dream life. But its not always bright, migration has its dark side as well. We pass through a degrade of emotions like a gray scale all the way from black to white, all shades are different. Everytime I migrate I feel like a soldier on a field hoping to have good luck and give the best to survive. The first time I ever went away from home to Buenos Aires I missed everything too much and I returned home after months, right then there was a part of me that waked up and was starving of curiosity, to see what other people have, do , don’t , think, etc. and the possibilities are endless. And so this new possibilities are the one that make me wanna migrate as much as I can during a period of my life. But I think it is always important to have someone you know near you, or at least near enough to visit, because being completely by yourself could turn catastrophic. Now a days its easier with technology , you can be closer to so many people at the same time, millions of km away, its really amazing, it perfectly fits the lifestyle of the people in this world now a days. Somehow we are all connected. Dear Maria Jose, Interesting thoughts in your email! When I think about migrating they are two words, which immediately come to my mind, pain and loss. Even though they are some good sides of moving, changing a country and adjusting to a new culture always contains a sacrifice. I am not sure if I would be able to do it again today, maybe if I’ve got an offer I could not resist or if the life of my family would be in danger. I really enjoy travelling but travelling is not migrating. My migration cost me a lot of effort and undoubtedly had a big impact to who I am today. I do not compare these two cultures (Swedish and Polish) anymore. I just try to understand what it is in front of me, stay open (not easy!) and in the end find out if I want and need this in my life or not. Having access to two cultures gives you simply a bigger field of vision. When things became too blurry you can always choose another pair of glasses. Just a week ago I still was in Poland to visit my family. There is always the same strange feeling appearing, nobody can question my presence there. It is pleasant and painful at the same time. It contains a paradox as well. I was born in Szczecin (Stettin) a city, which belongs to Poland for only sixty years. Until 1945 the city was German and my mother’s family moved there in 1946 as many other families from the central Poland and eastern border with hope for a better life. A house in which I grew up as little girl belonged certainly to a German family who had to leave the place to save their lives. My place of safety is somebody’s loss and pain. Probably most people on this blog like you and me could choose when and how they moved. This is a luxurious position. I had that privilege too but in 1985 when I emigrated for many persons in Eastern Block it was only a dream and it is still for others in the world today. In the center… around it… The immigration quickly began to populate the city… Construction… Destroyed… Once again, Santiago was raised again… Carrying out the construction… 7 january 2010 The last few months were absolutly exhausting (bot emotionally and phisically). We finish some works for a coming soon exhibition in Shangai, we moved to a new atelier, we got a boring law trail, and we participate in two ferias (fairs) that we really love to be here in santiago (4 weeks long together). But, we have been thinking a lot about our conversation. I think this calm way of discussing has been very fruitfull, and i think I can undestand a bit better all the thougt that have arised in the mean time. Regarding your last post, i think you got the double standar situation (you can put on the top some very fast economic growth, a very anequal society, quiet catholic frame, nationalism, the macho situation and a not so good futbol… anyways, we are on the World Cup Definitions are not something that really interesting me more than what I need to put in my bussness card, applications for fundings or quiet interesting and funny jokes. I work in very different fields and i think we can leave some work to theorits, curator, sealer people, audiences and so on (pastelero a tus pasteles… I don’t know how to say that in english). Anyways…. I´m posting now 2 draft that i saved on the web site before but i didn´t have the time to read them againg for being happy with them. So now, I´m putting them on our web space. And afterward I wold like to show you some pics that i took today on my first hands on day after the huracan. Another text is added also at the end. Pd: I would be very thanksfull if you say me more why you have choosen the pics-artworks 16 September 2009 Hi Natalie, Nov 18 hola natalie, hope you are doing great! very interesting post.. it let met think about several things. I can undestand you about your art´s view… to pretend that art can change social realities can be a bit naive, but its contribuition can provoque changes on our esthetics or reflections about the environment that we live in (whether as actors or spectator… but we become acttors anyway…. Don’t we?) Art can adress the weeknesses of our societies or directly critice them. It seems for me to be very logical and an insteresting path for art (or let say creations, for not complicating to much the stuff). Whether art must to be intelectual or not… I think there are all kind of tastes or trends or movements or movements or positions). But I belive that is not the only way to evaluate an art work. I don’t think my work it is too intelectual, actually i dont think i´m too gifted on the human elucubration process. Deeper, lot of my work is related to the spanish term of artesania (wich tends to have less walking space than the english term craft… (it is a huge disscusion that I pass now). In chilean artesania the most important thing is the beauty of the object, or the exquisite teqnique or how cultural heritage a piece can carry it self, or the story of the artist or maker (so in chilean craft –traditionaly- there is no too much space for being too critical or too intellectual (and my “university” was that: chilean craft). Another part of my work is what we call here innovation in artesania realted to fashion (or just fashion design) where i´m not very critical either (well, sometime I am). But another part of my work is something that someone can denote art object or contemporary jewelry (well.. I’ll see if i can say that by the time) wich is directly more critical and some times intellectual about social situations that I want to pose my opinion. I like all those branches of work, that’s why I do them. So, regarding definitions again, being honest, I’m not interesting on picking one… I prefer to do the work that I want to do at this particular moment, or those ones that I can do (both buecause of time or lack of talent). And to try to achive them speack from them selves about my environment an me. I like, anyway the term contemporary jewelry: big enogh and small enough for drafting a kind of football field in wich more than 22 players, more than 2 reservas (again I don’t know haw to say it), more than 1 referee, losts of viewers or audiences, adverticers, thoricist, curators, buyers, sellers, fans, hims, etc. are playing togheter. Of course for helping and trying to get better connections to and comunicating with the audiences I do use definitions as contemporary jeweler, craftman, maker, artist, designer, notfishnordog. Something like an ice breaker or something in that sense. Regarding what art should do, I think that art can creates link with the audiences, links of the biggest or widest kinds… and I do belive that audiences are huge (absolutly bigger that those who can buy o sell art). Those links can be aesthetical, ethical, phisical, emotional, sexual, humoristic, etc…. and if the art work is beutifull it self I think is better (well, very complicated concept anyway). I do like the way our conversation is developping… obvously not the most dayly one. maybe we can go on the digestif or some drink or for a cofee. But I think we are on our own spaces (are we today on the gray space? Or the table cloth is the gray one?) Warmest, nano 8 january 2010-01-08 I started on the north-west corner of the square. That’s because is popularly called little lima (peru’s capital). So I started doing pics and right away the guy pictured at the first photo started chating with me… This guy is a street vendor that is working with his wife on the corner of the most old post building, selling post cards and papers for material-post (I started thinking about how far away I was in this electronic-conversation… and how the flesh anb blood one is trying to pop up). After few minutes, a guy (I knew after that he was one of the most well known homeless on the square) saw me with a camera and started kissing the street seller. They are very close to each other (both giving advices about good life and about stop drinking). We got a huge lughing. Thet are really confident to each other. Afterwards he said to me: Actually they sit there because it is a way the get a deayly work (people in trunks pass by and ask for a number of people to work for little money). After a while another person chown up (everyone was very very warm like being in a kind of friend’living room, I absolutly like that). Then we were 3 guys and both caracters starting making quite strong jokes about peruvian women (that’s why I told you entre broma y broma la verdad se asoma. Uuuuuu wasn’t really pleasant. The rest of the pics are different jewerly shops (both products and tools-metal sold). So, can my dear downtown relates discrimination to inmigrants, the seach of identity, jewelry production and new ways of wearability? Do you think so? Warmest, Nano The arrival of the Spanish led to great upheavals. It was February 12, 1541 when Pedro de Valdivia founded the City of Santiago del Nuevo Extremo. He named it after the military protector of the Spanish in their fight for conquest and the Patron Saint of Spain, Apostle James. Your charcoal idea sounds fun and dirrrty. Check the work on Dinie Besems (chalk necklace) and Mah Rana (ring in bar of soap). These works go along the lines of what you are looking into. I like charcoal because it is, in essence, what a diamond is also made of. I think most basic materials hold a great gift and serve in a way far more humble than materials with ‘value’ added to them. At the end of the day, the little things make life worth living and not the big things (with the added bonus that when the little things go wrong, we don’t really notice so much because they are little). I think that we got to a lot of interesting topics on our posts, especially the latter ‘fire’ and ‘rebirth’. I wrote to Valeria about my ‘ending’ and I decided that I will make one final piece for this project, based on our communication. I am not sure what, how, etc, but I will keep you posted. I was going to send you some stuff, but actually that is not relevant anymore (as I was planning to send you stuff that I made which you could incorporate into a piece…the lazy way for me due to my lack of energy). But since that is not longer the case, please ignore and forget! Enjoy your day……B Y E
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=139690&id=711137091&l=9ce4f577a9 nano Hi Maria Jose! I am here. We can start now! Agnieszka From January 2010 I am new blogging partner of Maria Jose Fabrega. My name is Agnieszka Knap and I was born in Poland. Since more than twenty years I live and work in Stockholm, Sweden.
I’m happy to know that you made a decision: it’s always the most difficult… What’s important is to be happy with your work. The thread’s end is already in your hands!
I’m also very happy to have met you and exchanged important ideas over several issues that are important for me… That was undoubtely a great chalenge for my thoughts, emotions and, consequently for my work.
I hope you felt it likewise.
My working space is mainly through photography. I am a jewelry aprentice . My present stage is experimenting, trial and error ( or aiming the goal). My aim in this project is to discover new fields of interest, to take chances. I enjoyed having you as a partner in this trip.
Today, after a period of total crisis, lack of inspiration, frustration, emptiness in short, i had an idea for the object. Ever since we talked about fire, rebirth, ashes, i decided to do something with charcoal…Soon i’ll send you a drawing to make you figure out better what i mean. It’s a charcoal cube and the jewel lies within. This cube is compact and fragile at the same time. For the jewel to be “released” you are forced to break and destroy the charcoal chunk and dirt your hands…I’m not sure about the jewel yet, but i have an idea…maybe it’ll be just a gold nugget…nothing is certain for the moment… As for the others, they’ll be all very simple, like seeds to bud.
Keep in touch!
Hi. I hope you had a nice x-mas period. I am glad that it’s over and I am getting comfortable in the year 2010 (a year of change and adventure). Last month I decided to stop jewellery. It marks a 10 year cycle of continuous disappointment, stress, struggle and irritation and I realized that I really strayed off my path with contemporary jewellery and I should have pursued costume/performance/dance, the path I was on before. There are still a lot of questions, which remain unanswered, but the decision to end my jewellery cycle feels 100% right (it couldn’t feel more right). Now I am gathering clues and uncovering the red thread that runs through my life. In regard to out collaborative piece, I will send you something, so I am happy to make something with you (but perhaps it will be a bit limited from my point and I hope that this doesn’t limit your creativity and the enjoyment of this project). As before, I have no desire left to work, to make, and while I thought that this was a phase, I now know that this is not a phase. I will let you know. Bye for now….. Lecture: Dialogues of the Gray Area: A collaborative project on global migration, identities and contemporary jewellery Date: Sunday 17th January 2010 Time: 15:00 hrs Place: Stedelijm Museum Schiedam FREE ENTRANCE The Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, the Mexican Embassy in the Netherland s and the Otro Diseno Foundation for Cultural Cooperation and Development are pleased to invite you to the lecture Dialogues of the Gray Area: A collaborative project on global migration, identities and contemporary jewellery. The lecture will be delivered by Valeria Vallarta Siemelink (Mexico-NL) and Andrea Wagner (NL), curators of the exhibition Walking the Gray Area, with an introduction of the art critic Jose Manuel Springer (Mexico) and a discussion by two of the Walking the Gray Area artists Jorge Manilla (Mexico-Belgium) and Peter Hoogeboom (NL). The lecture is part of the program Mexico in the Netherlands and within the frame of the exhibition Mexico: Expected/Unexpected, showing at the Stedelijk Museum Schiedam. Hola Peter. Disculpa por no enviarte antes detalles claros sobre esta pieza. Esta idea surgió como consecuencia de una exposición conmemorativa sobre la Virgen de Guadalupe celebrada en Diciembre hace 4 años, en el 2006 A mi me atrajo la idea de establecer un juego con la misma relación que existe, entre un segundo de película de cine y sus imágenes estáticas para formarlo.El poder extender un segundo y revisar lo que sucede dentro de este, des configurar en subpartes que pasando veloces, le dan forma a esta imagen. Partes estáticas que pueden no ser semejantes a la que conocemos como la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe. La Virgen de Guadalupe es la imagen religiosa con el mayor número de feligreses en México, existen otras representaciones de La Virgen Marial relacionadas a su lugar y modo de aparición, prodigios etc. : la Virgen de la bala, la Virgen de los Remedios, la Virgen de San Juan de los lagos, la Virgen de Zapopan etc. También existen representaciones de Cristo como: El Cristo del veneno, El Cristo de Chalma, etc. En todos los casos estas imágenes están enlazadas a la narración de algún acontecimiento excepcional milagroso que relata su origen y al que se le van sumando prodigios y milagros a lo largo del tiempo para con sus feligreses, esta participación por la devoción en la imagen y lo que simboliza, es una puerta muy rica hacia la individualidad de las experiencias y una interpretación muy personal de la realidad en cada caso. Tanto los españoles como los diferentes pueblos prehispánicos siempre tuvieron gran devoción por sus dioses y en este encuentro violento le fueron dando forma a estas imágenes. Gran parte de los santuarios religiosos están localizados sobre antiguas poblaciones prehispánicas y en específico sobre lo que fueron sus centros ceremoniales. Se establecieron en este lugar los santuarios para evitar la orfandad como consecuencia de las cruzadas evangelizadoras, unifico a pesar de muchas diferencias que aun persisten, a casi toda la población en un solo culto católico No todas estas imágenes han gozado de la misma adoración y su abandono en algunos casos se debe, a que la población devota se desplazó a otra parte como en el caso de la transición de la Nueva España al México independiente. Gran parte de la atracción que poseen aquellas muy fuertemente queridas como la Virgen de Guadalupe se debe a la particularidad de ese relato milagroso que hace participe a un número grande de población. Los iconos religiosos son imágenes que tocan el extremo de lo imposible posible, que uno vive a través de su relato, en el que se evoca la esencia de lo divino, presencia de un tiempo eterno detenido en esta realidad , protegen, estabilizan, pero también limitan, evitando la sorpresa ante lo imposible posible más inmediato del presente. Creo que lo que percibimos en el mundo, tiene que ver mucho con la relación que se establece entre los acontecimientos y el tiempo. Uno es lento para entender los acontecimientos. En muchos casos se sobre entiende la realidad en la que uno fluye. Existen momentos especiales en los que, lo que se supone, no es lo que sucede y, esto, sorprende, espanta, puede obsesionar, o ampliar nuestra atención, destrabando la mecánica de nuestras suposiciones. Extender los límites del mundo que nos rodea. Ser más objetivo ante las diferencias del mundo. En el inicio los objetos dentro de la caja se dispusieron para formar toda la serie cerrada, pero con el tiempo he pensado que su uso como broches, extendería dentro de la práctica, las posibilidades del objeto en su conjunto, Yo no me considero cristiano católico aunque parte de mi formación siempre tuvo una influencia en ese sentido. Por parte de mi abuela materna conocí en algunos períodos de mi infancia asistir a la misa. También me a tocado estar ,en alguna boda o acontecimiento excepcional. Ella si era católica y nos invitaba de pequeños a participar de estas experiencias. Eran momentos especiales en los que jugaba con mis primos también reflexionar en el evangelio algunas veces doloroso siendo niño sentir el vivir tan extremamente. Los templos y santuarios siempre son imponentes y como bien dices, su localización casi siempre es extraordinaria, cerca de manantiales, con vistas excepcionales, como si parte del reino de lo eterno aterrizara aquí en la tierra. Es muy atrayente conocer la historia de estos lugares y entender la dinámica de su función y formas. Tal vez es necesario construir sobre una estructura sólida de reglas ideales. Si yo dijera que no creo que dios existe me sorprendería mas al verme aquí, viajando en este planeta hacia algún punto del universo junto todo nosotros y los demás seres vivos en condiciones tan sutiles como tan solo unos pocos kilómetros de biosfera junto a miles de millones de kilómetros sin vida y con nuestros 36.5 º C de temperatura corporal arriba en un coche o en un avión a 800 Km /h, Pero también sentimos por medio del cuerpo tenues vibraciones como lo que vemos en la luz. Y probablemente más de lo que podemos suponer. Peter, tratare de ser más conciso y rápido en los siguientes correos, Gracias por los buenos deseos de navidad y año nuevo. Yo también te deseo lo mismo y que todo sea grandioso en el futuro. Hello Peter I’m sorry for not send you before clear details of this work. This idea come as a consequence of a memorial exhibition for the Guadalupe Virgin celebrated in December, four years ago, in 2006 My attraction was to establish a game with the same relation that exist between one second of a movie picture and their static images that give form to it. To extend a second and revise what it happens inside. On configure sub parts that go fast giving shape to this image. Static parts that could not by similar to what we know as the image of the Guadalupe Virgin The Guadalupe Virgin is the religious image with more number of worshippers in Mexico, their exist other representation of Mary related to their place and way of appearing, prodigies etc : La Virgen de los Remedios, La Virgen de la Bala , Virgen de San Juan de los Lagos, La Virgen de Zapopan , etc. Also are representations of Christ: El Cristo del Veneno, El Cristo de Chalma, etc. In all cases, this images are connected to the narration of an exceptional miraculous happening that relate his origin and to whom his prayers add miracles and prodigies along the time, this participation for the image devotion and what it means, is a very rich door to the individuality of the experiences and a very personal interpretation of the reality in each case. Many of the religious sanctuaries are located upon the ancient prehispanic populations and specifically on where it was their ceremonial center. They established the sanctuary in this place to solve the orphanage as a consequence of the evangelist crusade , this unify ,even a lot of differences that still persist , almost al the population in one catholic cult . Not all this images enjoy the same worship and his abandon is because its prayer population goes to another part, like in the period of transition of the New Spain to the independent Mexico, when the Spanish population born in Spain goes. The attraction of the very well loved images as Guadalupe Virgin, is because the particularity of that miraculous narration that gives enter to a big number of population The religious icons are images that touch the extreme of the impossible possible that is inside the narration in which is evocate the divine essence, presence of an eternal time in this reality, they protect, stabilize, but also put limits to avoid the surprise and the impossible possible more close of the present. I think that what we perceive in the world has to by very much with the relation that is established between the happenings and the time. We are slow to understand the happenings, in many cases the reality were we flow is super understand. There are special moments in which what we suppose is not what it happens , and this cause surprise , frighten , could become an obsession ,or unfetter our attention of the mechanic of our suppositions. Extend the limits of the world that surround us, being more objective to the differences of the world. In the beginning the objects in the box were disposed to form a closed series, but by the time I think that they can be use as brooches, extending in the practice the possibilities of the whole object. I don’t consider my self as a Christian catholic, even though parts of my formation always have an influence in this way. From the part of my grandmother mothers, I know what it was to be in the mass during my childhood, also in other time during wedding or other occasions .My grand mother really was catholic and invites us to participate of these experiences. There were special moments to play with my cousins, also to reflect about the gospel, sometimes painful being child, feel to live so extremely The ancient temples and sanctuaries are always imposing and as you well said their locations are always extraordinary ,near spring of water , exceptional views, as if part of the of the eternity reign ,land here on the earth. Very attractive know about the history of this places and understand the dynamic of his function and forms. Maybe is necessary to built upon a solid structure of ideal rules, If I said that I don’t believe that god exist, I will be more surprise to see me here traveling in this planet to some point of the universe altogether with other kind of life and within so subtle conditions as being just in a few kilometers of biosphere next to thousands of millions with out life and with our 36.5 ºC degrees of corporal temperature up in a car or an airplane at 800 km/h, But also we feel because of the body tenuous vibrations like what we see on light and probably more than what we suppose. Peter, I will tray be more concise and fast on the next posts, thank you for the good wishes of Christmas and New Year. I also wish you the same and that every thing will be great in the future. Dear Francisca, Your list of words made me think of things we carry around name a memory of a place you are from traces of travelling losing something a chair you could do withoutI’m looking for traces in snow in landscape in jewellery which is found in flea markets lost identities lost stories
How was the conference? And your Eye infection is over now? I think the theme for WTGQA for me could be bout symbols and its meaning. That has always been something I am interested about and when you mentioned the Book(which seems very interesting) this reminded me of a collection I once wanted to make. I discovered some books about arabic symbols that meanly consists out of geometric forms repeating. And when you take a good look at most of the tiles and other ornaments made there you will discover the geometric paterns.
So for me it would be interesting to go into this direction, but ofcourse I am curious what yu think of this. Symbols is a big area which has many directions. I inserted a picture of my peace of cloth(for protection)and talisman given to me by my mother on my weddingday. I also have something with hearts wherever I see one I need to have it. I already have a small collection. This was also something we had as a little girls integrated in our jewellery. I Wish Evereybody a Happy 2010 !!! Chequita I found myself excited about reading posts from other groups that spoke of the superposition of layers and reviewing our old posts, I saw that we also talked about it. therefore, I decided to group words = meaning. Layers Hi Eduardo, The work on the photo you sent me intrigues me and attracts me. Like you (probably??) I was brought up with the catholic religion. In my case in quite a severe way: the weekly obligatory church visits, lots of sins to ask forgiveness for and nevertheless never ending heaps of mea maxima culpa! And that devil always lurking around some corner. Even my high school was led by Franciscan monks, some of them still in their brown robes and a piece of cord around the waist. As an adolescent I grew more and more rebellious against the official church with all its prejudices and dogmas. Finally I had myself unregistered as a catholic. Statistically a non believer now I still do visit places of worship. I am that kind of person that visits churches when abroad. Temples, mosques, synagogues, wherever I am allowed I enter and participate. Not only for the cultural aspects, but also for the positive energy and mystic of those places. For the good intentions of the visitors that have been coming to these places for centuries often. They often are very inspiring places in special and beautiful locations. I still light a candle in church and there is that part from my catholic past that will never go away I suppose. (Guilt not the least of them…) When in Mexico I visited quite some churches. I saw quite some images of the Lady of Guadeloupe. And it is only now that I learn that “Guadeloupe” is not some town far away from Mexico City. If I had known that it actually is very near to the city I certainly would have gone there. I will keep that in mind for a future visit to your country. I wish I could have a closer look to your work on the photo. Do you have a close up? Can you tell a bit more about it? It now tells me a story about the growing distance between hasty people and their religion. The medals are in a box on display and cannot be touched and used anymore. It is a long box and you walk passing by the small images of the Virgin. The title tells me this only takes a second. You may have meant something different, I don’t know. Anyway I like to see it and it makes me think and wonder. Tell more about it please. I haven’t had a look at the slides I made in Mexico yet. I am trying to find my slide projector. I must have that pre-historic device somewhere. I hardly ever use it anymore in this digital era. During my travel through Mexico I used my analogue camera for the last time before switching to digital. Talking places of worship and talking seconds: I will this time include a link to a movie of an Indian temple. It is in the South of India in Tirumala. It is the only place in India where non-hindus are allowed into the inner sanctum of the temple grounds. It took us hours and hours waiting in line before we reached that golden roofed inner temple, even in that faster queue you had to pay extra for. I don’t know if it was the heath, or the chanting of the devotees around us that contributed: reaching the statue of Lord Venkateswara fulfilled me with awe, some kind of ecstasy. Among endless numbers of people we were all allowed to see the statue for only a few seconds, then we were blessed and directed and pushed onwards to the exit by the priests. I remember us being allowed to watch a few seconds longer which was real nice of them. Maybe because we looked different or had come from far away. I also remember some disenchantment stepping into the noise of rows of rattling teller machines immediately after leaving the sanctum. Without stopping counting the coins donated by the pilgrims. This I found on the internet: It sure was crowded and did hear lots and lots of coins! But many hot hours and a few blessed seconds never to forget. Let me wish you a wonderful Christmas on this Christmas eve. Will you attend mass? All best to you and till soon again. …//comunity//enjoy little things//talk more//go to the countryside//less TV//call our friends//teach with patience//peace// buy less//walk//read more//more culture//celebrate life// greener life//swapping//use the bike//dream// recycle//do things with your hands//share with elders//happiness//laugh//… ![]() photo, LH 2009 Hi Andrea Here is summertime. It’s quite hot and every day we see fire around us, and of course, tons of smoke ( The first picture was taken some days ago in our countryside place) I found this snakeskin in the countryside this last week end. It is not what we have been talking about this last months? Layers and layers. Our trace. Leave our footprint while we are moving_migrating. Patterns, clothes….I was talking about charcoal some posts ago, and both, the skin and the charcoal are traces of something that happend violently. I mention it as a parallelism between our own human experiences_ feelings_travels_creation. I think this encounter it’s our Christmas gift. (I will be back on January 5th. I’ll go to Valdivia, and then we will go to climb the Longaví volcano. Longaví means “snake’s head” in Mapuche language, so….see you in January!!!) http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic-video/550283/82770/Learn-how-and-why-snakes-shed-their-skin |
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