Dear Kajsa,
As this is so new and I am not sure about what to write, I decided to start posting some pics.
Some of them are from abroad some from Brazil. I’ll let you decide which is which…
and so little by little you can get the whole picture
Dear Kajsa, As this is so new and I am not sure about what to write, I decided to start posting some pics. Some of them are from abroad some from Brazil. I’ll let you decide which is which… and so little by little you can get the whole picture This idea of posting pics has turned into a timetrip…and become a sort of puzzle. To see the photos bigger, they are in this link: hello, I m happy to be your partner. I will soon send you some pictures.Sorry for my delay. kajsa collect vietnam Dear Kajsa, now the package is ready but the Post is on strike Dear All, tomorrow I’m going to meet Karin Seufert who is coming to São Paulo after a trip to the Amazon region and Rio de Janeiro. We decided to organize a workshop in the countryside of São Paulo and WGA has been a sort of stimule for it! We are going to discuss/research materials, whether its identity is connected to a place or not! Karin along with Tore Svensson are bringing materials from Sweden and Germany and the participants will bring their own. I will post later pics about this workshop! If any of you are also interested in coming for a workshop, let me know! Dear Kajsa, It is so different how people interact with objects. Look at my flickr to see how I have photographed all the material I sent you before closing the box and how differently you photographed them! I am really curious to know what have you been doing with the things I sent you. More than that: I am eager to know you better through the things of your box! I am still waiting for it!!! In case you have lost my address, I leave it here the address of my atelier for you to send me: MIRLA FERNANDES RUA ALVES GUIMARAES, 1437 CEP 05410-002 - SAO PAULO /SP – BRASIL Numa panela derreta a manteiga. Refogue as cebolas. Enquanto mexe, vá adicionando o alface. Continue cozinhando até estar bem macia.Misture o arroz, as ervilhas e o caldo. Tempere com endro, sal, pimenta, noz-moscada e as raspas do limão. Coloque para ferver. Cubra. Em fogo baixo, cozinhe por 20 minutos.No liquidificador, faça um pure da mistura e despeje na panela. Torne a aquecer. Misture levemente o creme de leite. Decore com rodelas de limão. Sirva. Composição: limoleno, citral, geraniol, citronelol, pineno, cadineno, bisaboleno, canfeno, dipenteno, felandreno. I tryed to understand the handwriting in the photo and then I tryed a translator.But it is too small,and I wrote it all wrong. Yes, definitly I got wait a bit more to understand, I am anxious to see the box!! I feel like I am going to a trip to Sweden. It has already started and I will have to deal with a lot of unfamiliar stuff. Just to tell you: even for me the handwriting of the note I sent you is hard to understand. Check the link to know why! ![]() kajsa to see more: Dear Kajsa, your package has arrived since the 27th. I must tell you that everytime I need to post something, it take AGES…Even to read the blog, it takes a lot to download all the content. It is weird, I don’t know if it is only with me, but this is why I prefer to leave links instead of uploading photos.Please check the links to see how things are going! I loved the material to do drawings first. But I have started something for the jewelry piece too. |
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