to change the point on the map to leave the frame known to move sequences, loves, smells and sounds shell effect that new space like white bubbles a parenthesis a silence that allows you to listen, to feel, to think, to construct. jorge macchi. argentine visual artist…
a part of the park 2006 brooches (to sew to your clothing) 370 x 150 x 2 mm zink, paint, thread, needle nelli, it’s good that you came back! now. it’s a little difficult to run again but I’m working on it … why do you choose the latest pictures? Dear Fran, How is your working going on? I’m working with aluminium. something in between image and unreachable there and not-there Greetings from Pori, Finland. A town where I have not been. Feels like being abroad. Seen an exhibition by Zineb Sedira in Pori Art Museum about identity and immigration. Look at http://www.poriartmuseum.fi/eng/exhibitions/ http://www.zinebsedira.com/ I found myself excited about reading posts from other groups that spoke of the superposition of layers and reviewing our old posts, I saw that we also talked about it. therefore, I decided to group words = meaning. Layers Dear Francisca, Your list of words made me think of things we carry around name a memory of a place you are from traces of travelling losing something a chair you could do withoutI’m looking for traces in snow in landscape in jewellery which is found in flea markets lost identities lost stories Forest never leaves me even while living in a city today at 2 pm collecting different lines while walking carrying things in my pockets under my warm pullower next to skin Carrying things yesterday made me think of… marcando territorios (entre mi marido y yo) van apareciendo las imagenes en la superficie, como cuando brota el agua del suelo. empiezan a materializarse las sucesivas capas de lo intercambiado. y así empieza a aflorar una idea… mi mapa es mi propio cuerpo. porque todo lo que mudo cada vez que cambio de ciudad esta en él. no en los objetos, ni en la ropa, ni en las joyas, ni en las cosas que nos rodean sino en los abrazos, las miradas, los recuerdos… las marcas quedan en este cascarón que me proteje y me sugiere lo que la conciencia no quiere ver. the images are appearing on the surface, as when the ground water springs. |
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